Browse Items (1692 total)

Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses the Vietnam War and Presidents Kennedy and Johnson.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk delivers a lecture to Loch Johnson’s class about the Soviet Union, arms control, and the arms race.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk describes the Vietnam War. He begins by focusing on the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization and the events surrounding the Laos Accords of 1962. Rusk also addresses the "winnability" of the war and cites the media's role in perceptions of…


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Section A: Dean Rusk interviewed by Richard Rusk and Thomas Schoenbaum. Section B: Katherine E. Sherman and Rugh Gillard interviewed by Richard Rusk. Section C: Mary Woods Bennett interviewed by Richard Rusk. Topics include higher education and…


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses North and South Korea in the context of United States foreign relations and military involvement.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses World War II, Ho Chi Minh, U.S. Presidents Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy, the Intelligence Service’s OSS, French Indochina, and the Marshall Plan.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses social conditions in the United States from 1918-1945, Rhodes Scholarships, higher education, religion, capitalism, and communism.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk describes the role of the Secretary of State. He contrasts Marshall, Acheson, and Dulles' influence and style. Rusk continues by describing his transition into the post of Secretary of State, the character of his position under Kennedy and…


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses the Civil Rights movement in the United States during the 1960s, the Civil Rights movement in South Africa, and problems in government dealings with foreign countries over civil rights.This interview is continued on Rusk FF and…


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses the United Nations and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. This interview is a continuation of Rusk DDDD.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk talks about his childhood and background, his education, and the Civil War and Reconstruction.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses the Civil Rights movement, including State Department integration, the effects on immigration and foreign policy, the government agencies' attitudes toward integration, and integration and segregation in Rusk’s experiences at…


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses his early career in the U.S. Department of Defense, George C. Marshall, and the U.S. Department of State, including John Foster Dulles, Dean Acheson, and Andrei Gromyko. Rusk also discusses the United Nations, Adlai Stevenson,…


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Rusk discusses his experiences with racism, integration and discrimination issues, including housing discrimination in Washington and his daughter’s marriage. This interview is a continuation of Rusk FF.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses his childhood in Atlanta. Topics include the Ku Klux Klan, Reconstruction, the Leo Frank case, the Atlanta race riot of 1906, and radio.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk talks about World War II, including U.S. Foreign Policy, Asia, and the China-Burma-India theatre. Rusk also discusses his career as Assistant Secretary for Far Eastern Affairs, including Japan’s invasion of Manchuria, and the Sino-Japanese…


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses the United Nations and U.S. President Harry Truman.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk describes the Tet Offensive. He also discusses the effect of the war on both Johnson and Rusk; the cabinet and administrative staff who disagreed with U.S. policy in Vietnam (Clifford, Harriman, McNamara, Westmoreland, and Ball); and…


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses the Rockefeller Foundation and John Foster Dulles.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses economic and social conditions of the Dominican Republic.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses the Vietnam War. He describes the Tet Offensive, its aftermath, and U.S. public reaction to both. He discusses leaks during the Johnson administration, the large numbers of war dissenters, and disagreements among Johnson's Cabinet…


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses his career with the Department of State as Deputy Under Secretary and Assistant Secretary for Far Eastern Affairs, the McCarthy hearings, and World War II.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses arms control, the Berlin Crisis, and the Cuban Missile Crisis.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses the United Nations, the U.N. Security Council, and President Harry Truman.This interview is continued on Rusk KKKK.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk describes Lyndon Johnson's desire to bring the Vietnam War to a close. He discusses growing opposition to the war among cabinet members, Congress, and at the grassroots level. Rusk speaks of Arthur Goldberg's bombing halt proposal,…


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses John F. Kennedy, including his assassination, background, election, health, inaugural address, education, and staff. This interview is continued on Rusk KKKKKK.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses U.S. foreign policy in Africa, the Congo, Katanga, and Belgium. He also discusses the United Nations, including Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses the Korean War and China. This interview is a continuation of Rusk HH.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses the United Nations, the U.N. Security Council, and President Harry Truman.This interview is a continuation of Rusk JJJJ.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses President Kennedy and his staff, the Berlin Wall, and the Cuban Missile Crisis.This interview is a continuation of Rusk JJJJJJ.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses the United Nations, including resolutions, sanctions, and the Security Council. He also discusses Palestine and Jewish-Arab relations in 1949.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses the colonies of Great Britain and France and world politics in 1945.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk describes the U.S. efforts to bring the Vietnam War to a close and the subsequent peace talks. In particular, he discusses the selection of the U.S. delegation, the conflicts among the members of the U.S. delegation, and the effect of the…


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses the Korean War, including General MacArthur and President Syngman Rhee.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk describes Indochina's history and the early U.S. involvement in the region, first in Laos and then in Vietnam. He discusses treaty commitments in the Pacific as well as efforts to maintain peace in the area. In particular, he talks of the…


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk describes the balance of power following World War II. He discusses the U.S. military policy, in particular disarmament, collective security, and U.S.-Asian foreign policy. Rusk also touches on Joseph McCarthy.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses World War II. Topics include the Burma Campaign, Merrill’s Marauders, China-Burma-India theatre, and Lord Mountbatten.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk and William P. Bundy describe the U.S. policy of gradualism in Vietnam during the Kennedy and Johnson administrations. They speak of Lyndon Johnson's visit to Vietnam in 1961, the 1963 Coup in South Vietnam, and the Tonkin Gulf Crisis, as…


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk describes U.S.-Soviet foreign relations in terms of the 1955 Austrian State Treaty. He also compares the balance of power in the early years of the Cold War to that of 1985. Rusk also discusses the chances for the reunification of Germany…


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses his time at Oxford in the early 1930s, the time he spent in Germany during Hitler’s rise to power, and the China-Burma-India Theatre of World War II.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk and William Bundy discuss perceptions that Johnson and his administration misrepresented their intentions about Vietnam War (i.e. the "credibility gap"). In this light, they focus upon the the introduction of ground troops into Vietnam and…


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses President Kennedy, the Vietnam War, arms, and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Muskie congressional hearings in 1974-1975, surveillance, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the National Security Council. This interview is continued on Rusk Y.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk and William Bundy interviewed by Richard Rusk and Thomas Schoenbaum. Rusk and Bundy describe U.S. involvement in Vietnam during the Kennedy and Johnson Administrations, in particular aerial operations and the Tet Offensive (1968). They…


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk interviewed by Richard Rusk and Thomas Schoenbaum. Topics include U.S. Constitutional Law, the diplomatic and consular service, the U.S. Congress and Senate, lobbying, and national security. This interview is continued on Rusk QQQQ.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk describes and answers questions in regard to David Halberstam's book, The Best and The Brightest. He discusses Averell Harriman's relationship with Presidents Kennedy and Johnson. He touches upon U.S. reluctance to use nuclear weapons and…


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusks discusses the Bay of Pigs, Fidel Castro, and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk and William Bundy interviewed by Richard Rusk and Thomas Schoenbaum. Dean Rusk and William P. Bundy discuss U.S. involvement in Vietnam. They touch upon Sen. J. William Fulbright's anti-involvement stance, Congressional support for the war,…


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses U.S. Constitutional Law, the diplomatic and consular service, and the health, staff and term of office of U.S. Presidents. This interview is a continuation of Rusk PPPP.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses the U.S. diplomatic and consular service, diplomatic etiquette, arms control and the arms race, the Soviet Union, and Rhodes Scholarships.Rusk MMMMM, Rusk PPPPP, and Rusk QQQQQ all involve questions from The Best and the…


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses U.S. foreign relations, the Department of State, Portugal, France, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Africa, and the Berlin Crisis. This interview is continued on Rusk RRRRRR.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses the interaction between press and politics, in particular his relation ship with the press during his Secretary of State years.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk gives an overview of his career. He describes his time with the Rockefeller Foundation, 1952-1960 and 1969-1970. In particular, he touches upon McCarthyism and the Cox Committee. He discusses the U.S. Foreign Service, the State Department,…


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses international Law, World War II armistices, the United Nations (UN), and higher education.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses U.S. foreign relations with Africa, India, Russia, and Canada, as well as the United Nations (UN) and the Department of State. This interview is a continuation of Rusk QQQQQQ.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses his relationship with press during his Secretary of State years and the press coverage of the Vietnam War.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses diplomats, the staff of U.S. Presidents, and United States foreign relations in 1945. This interview is continued on Rusk TT.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses international law, the United Nations, and higher education. This interview is continued of Rusk TTTT. The beginning of the interview no longer exists; it was accidentally taped over by Richard Rusk at the time of the recording.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses politics and government of Korea and China in 1945, United States military policy, and the U.S. Department of State. This interview is continued on Rusk TTTTT.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk, Dennis Farney, and David Ignatius of the Wall Street Journal discuss the Vietnam War.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses U.S. foreign economic relations and foreign relations in 1945. This interview is a continuation of Rusk SS.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk, Richard Rusk, Thomas Schoenbaum, and Tom Ganschow discuss U.S. foreign relations from 1953-1961, and the history of South Korea and China from 1945-1968.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk and Milner Ball discuss international law, higher education, and U.S. Presidents Johnson and Kennedy. This interview is a continuation of Rusk SSSS. The beginning of the interview no longer exists; it was accidentally taped over by Richard…


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses U.S. relations with China in 1945. He also talks about South Africa, including foreign relations, race relations, and politics. This interview is a continuation of Rusk SSSSS.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk, Richard Rusk, Thomas Schoenbaum, and Loch Johnson discuss the U.S. Congress and relations between the Executive and Legislative branches.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk, Richard Rusk, Thomas Schoenbaum, and Tom Ganschow discuss Chinese civilization and foreign relations from 1946-1976, as well as the history of China and its politics and government.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses the United Nations, including sanctions, treaty-making powers, voting, the U.N. Security Council, and the U.N. General Assembly. He also discusses the Soviet Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Rusk talks…


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk interviewed by John Haag. Topics include higher education, the Rhodes Scholarship, Germany history from 1933-1945, and Great Britain, including British colonies, diplomatic and consular service, economic and social conditions, and…


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses the Cuban Missile Crisis, including relations with Congress during the crisis and the attitudes among members of President’s cabinet.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses Israel, including the Suez Campaign and Israel-Arab conflicts.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses international law, Panama, U.S. diplomatic and consular service, and the United Nations.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk, Richard Rusk, and John Haag discuss higher education, the Rhodes Scholarship, Germany history from 1933-1945, and Great Britain, including British colonies, diplomatic and consular service, economic and social conditions, and intellectual…


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk, Richard Rusk, Thomas Schoenbaum, and Loch Johnson discuss Rusk’s relations with Congress in his capacity as Secretary of State.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses United States diplomatic and consular service, diplomatic etiquette, government etiquette, and U.S. Presidents Kennedy and Johnson.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses the United Nations Security Council and the politics, government, and foreign relations of China, post-World War II.This interview is continued on Rusk XXXXX.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses World War II and his years as Deputy Chief of War Plans in the China-Burma-India theater.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses Israel and Israel-Arab Conflicts. This interview is a continuation of Rusk WWW.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses foreign exchange, military assistance, the politics and government of India in 1947, India-Pakistan conflicts, international law, the Alliance for Progress, emigration and immigration law, the European economic community, the…


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses the United Nations Security Council and the politics, government, and foreign relations of China, post-World War II.This interview is a continuation of Rusk WWWWW.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses the Vietnam War, the Korean War, military strategy, and U.S. Presidents Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and national security. This interview is a continuation of Rusk P.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses developing countries, including economic conditions and investments, and developing country specialists. This interview is continued on Rusk ZZZ.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses diplomacy, including the use of the United Nations by smaller countries and establishment treaties.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Freedom of Information Act.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk, Richard Rusk, Thomas Schoenbaum, and Bob Clute discuss economic conditions and investments in developing countries and developing country specialists. This interview is a continuation of Rusk YYY.


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk describes U.S. foreign policy with China during the Truman administration. He discusses the involvement of the United Nations during the Korean War, the personal animosity between Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson and Secretary of State…


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk, Martin Hillenbrand, and Richard Rusk discuss the early 1960s, including the U.S.'s relationships with the Soviet Union and with Germany.

Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses China, including the Chinese Civil War (1945-1949) and the Sino-Japanese Conflict (1937-1945). Rusk also discusses U.S. foreign relations, foreign public opinion, and anti-Americanism.

Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Side 1 of this recording is closed. Side 2 consists of a transcript of the television show “Dean Rusk Visit to Davidson College, 1962.” This recording includes interviews about Rusk’s student days at Davidson College.Frontis Johnston was a former…

Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk is interviewed about the Dominican Republic. Topics include economic conditions in 1961 and the history, politics and government, and social conditions of the country.This interview is continued on Rusk BBBB and Rusk CCCC.

Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses the politics, government, and social conditions of the Dominican Republic, including the economic conditions of the country in 1961; the Coup d’etat in 1963, and the revolution in 1965.This interview is a continuation of Rusk AAAA…

Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses the United Nations, including person anecdotes, the officials and employees of General Assembly and the Security Council, and the proceedings of the Security Council.This interview is continued on Rusk EEEE.

Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses the petroleum industry, including pipe lines, the petroleum trade, and petroleum law and legislation. He also discusses Israel, Israel-Arab conflicts, political refugees, spies, emigration and immigration, the United Nations, NASA…

Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk discusses David Halberstam's book, The Best and The Brightest. Rusk discounts the accuracy of Halberstam's reporting since he had no contact with the author. He speaks of working in the Truman administration and of Truman's relationship…

Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk interviewed by Richard Rusk and Uri Ra’anan from the Fletcher School of Diplomacy. Topics include U.S. foreign relations, the U.S. Department of State, President Eisenhower, President Kennedy, and President Johnson, Russia, China, and the…

Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk interviewed by Richard Rusk and Uri Ra’anan. This interview is part of Fletcher School of Diplomacy’s Oral History Project at Tuft’s University. Topics include aspects of international diplomacy, Belgium (foreign relations and Africa),…

Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Dean Rusk interviewed by Richard Rusk and Uri Ra’anan. This interview is part of Fletcher School of Diplomacy’s Oral History Project at Tuft’s University. Topics include aspects of international diplomacy, Belgium (foreign relations and Africa),…

Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Part four of an autobiographical sketch by Dean Rusk, as told to Richard Rusk. Topics include Rusk’s siblings (Margaret; Parks; Roger; Helen Rusk [Perkins]), the death of his parents, influences and heroes (Robert E. Lee, George Catlett Marshall),…

Collection: D. W. Brooks Oral History Collection

Brian S. Wills interviews Dean Rusk. Rusk discusses his first contact with D.W. Brooks, Gold Kist and foreign governments, Rusk's personal relationship with D.W. Brooks.

Collection: Georgia Environmental Oral History Project

Collection: Sandy Creek Nature Center Oral History Collection

Collection: Athens Oral History Project

Deborah Weaver was born in Athens, Georgia in 1952. She graduated from Athens High School in 1970 and worked in the medical field until getting a job with Delta Air Lines in 1977. In this interview she discusses her childhood, her early education at…


Collection: Athens Oral History Project

Deloris Hester was born in Athens, Georgia in 1947. She went to West Broad Elementary and Lyons Middle School before attending Athens High and Industrial School. After graduating high school she worked as a nurse at Athens General Hospital and…


Collection: Series II. S. Ernest Vandiver Interviews

DeNean Stafford interviewed by Hal Henderson. Topics include meeting Vandiver at UGA, political help in Tifton County for Vandiver in his 1954 lieutenant governor campaign, Vandiver as lieutenant governor, Marvin Griffin, corruption in Griffin’s…

Collection: Ecological Society of America Oral History Collection

Dennis Knight was a professor at the University of Wyoming. He served as the president of the Ecological Society of America (ESA) from 1989-1990 and has also served on the ESA's Historical Records Committee. He is the main interviewer for this…


Collection: Athens Music Project Oral History Collection

Deonna Mann moved to Athens, GA as a young adult and got involved in art and music. She is best known for her 1990s experimental performances with local bands. In her interview, she discusses her puppet shows, art exhibitions, and performing with…


Collection: UGA Student Veterans Oral History Project

Born and raised in Suwanee, Georgia, Derek Huff followed in his grandfather’s footsteps by serving in the Marine Corps. He shares his experiences at boot camp in Parris Island, training as a Rifleman, and being deployed to countries such as Australia…


Collection: Athens Oral History Project

Deryl Bailey, born in 1960 in North Carolina, was raised by a single mother and his grandparents. He attended the University of Virginia, among other institutions. In this interview, Bailey reflects on his academic journey, from disliking school as a…


Collection: Athens Music Project Oral History Collection

Collection: Athens Oral History Project

Diana Fairbairn has lived in Athens since the early 90s and has had a substantial impact on the local scene of soul food. In this interview, Fairbairn talks about her introduction to food, her experience opening Five Star Day Cafe, and what she’s…


Collection: UGA Student Veterans Oral History Project

This interview is not accessible online. Please visit the Richard B. Russell Library Reading Room for access.

Collection: Athens Music Project Oral History Collection

Collection: Nuci’s Space Oral History Project

Collection: Reflections on Georgia Politics Oral History Collection

Richard Pettys attended the University of Georgia, where he worked on the student newspaper the Red and Black. In 1965 he began working for three newspapers in Gwinnett County that would soon become the Gwinnett Daily News. In 1969 he joined the…


Collection: Reflections on Georgia Politics Oral History Collection

For the past 15 years, Dick Yarbrough has gained a large following with his syndicated newspaper column which reaches some 600,000 households and more than 1.3 million readers each week throughout Georgia. In March, 2013, Gov. Nathan Deal named Dick…


Collection: UGA Student Veterans Oral History Project

This interview is not accessible online. Please visit the Richard B. Russell Library Reading Room for access.

Collection: College of Family and Consumer Sciences Oral History Collection

Collection: Athens Music Project Oral History Collection

Don Chambers came to Athens, Georgia from Atlanta where he has played in many bands including Black Crows, Mudpuppies, Cursing Alice, Vaudeville, The Fountain, and Don Chambers and the GOAT. In this interview, Chambers talks about his experience…


Collection: Reflections on Georgia Politics Oral History Collection

Don Johnson was elected to the State Senate from the 47th District in 1987 to fill the unexpired term of the late Senator Parks Brown. Johnson, a Democrat, served on the Judiciary, Reapportionment, Agriculture, Transportation, Finance, Public…


Collection: Refugees in Georgia Oral History Project

Collection: Richard B. Russell Library Oral History Documentary Collection

Donald Stewart discusses his education, his work with the Soil Conservation Service and the idea for Sandy Creek Park. He comments on watershed programs in Athens including dams and flood control. Stewart also discusses Athens-Clarke County's…


Collection: Athens Oral History Project

Donarell R. Green III was born in Atlanta, Georgia in 1946. His family moved to Athens shortly after his birth to start a medical practice for Black Athenians. In this interview he remembers the Susan Medical Center, growing up as the son of a…


Collection: Georgia Environmental Oral History Project


Collection: Two-Party Georgia Oral History Project

Dorothy (Dot) Padgett was born in Sandersville, Georgia, and grew up in Douglas County. She attended the University of Georgia’s Atlanta extension (now Georgia State University) but did not graduate. Padgett and other supporters of former Georgia…

Collection: First Person Project

Dorothy Partridge is an educator and one of the participants in the earliest teacher workshops offered by Foxfire founder, Eliot Wigginton. She talks about that experience and the Foxfire model as a whole. This interview is part of the Georgia…


Collection: Reflections on Georgia Politics Oral History Collection

Doug Barnard discusses his early life and his career in banking and in Georgia and national politics. Barnard worked for the Georgia Railroad Bank and chaired the Democratic Executive Committee before becoming Governor Carl Sanders’ executive…


Collection: Georgia Disability Community Oral History Project

Doug Scott discusses the definition of Supportive Housing, and explains the status of chronic homelessness. Scott compares the societal cost of chronic homelessness vs. supportive permanent housing. Scott and the interviewer, Talley Wells, talk about…


Collection: Reflections on Georgia Politics Oral History Collection

Douglas Clark Teper attended Georgia State University both for his bachelor's degree and law school. He was elected to the Georgia State House of Representatives in 1988 and served through 2005. He served on the Industry, Judiciary, and Rules…


Collection: Richard B. Russell, Jr. Oral History Project

Interview with Douglas B. Kidd, student patronage, intern. Topics include student patronage program.

Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Richard Rusk interviews Douglas Dillon.Douglas Dillon served as under secretary of state (1959-1961) and secretary of the treasury (1961-1965).

Collection: Series II. S. Ernest Vandiver Interviews

Douglas Embry interviewed by Hal Henderson. Topics include Embry's time as editor of the Georgia Guardsman, Vandiver's accomplishments as adjutant general of the Georgia National Guard (including building armories), Vandiver's work ethic and…

Collection: Georgia Environmental Oral History Project


Collection: First Person Project

Duard Baxter was born in Madison County, Georgia in 1924. After graduating high school, Baxter volunteered for the Marine Corps, serving in the Pacific Theater during WWII under the 6th Marine Division. Upon his return to the United States, Baxter…


Collection: Reflections on Georgia Politics Oral History Collection

DuBose Porter ran a successful campaign as a Democrat for the Georgia House of Representatives, in 1982. In 1987, Porter and Griffin Lovett bought Dublin’s daily newspaper, The Courier Herald. Porter oversees the business and publishing aspect of the…


Collection: Two-Party Georgia Oral History Project

DuBose Porter was born October 2, 1953, in Dublin, Georgia. He attended Davidson College and received a bachelor’s degree in English. He interned in Washington, D.C., with Senator Sam Nunn before attending the Cumberland Law School at Samford…

Collection: Athens Oral History Project

Dwain Segar was born in 1957 in New York City and moved to Athens with his partner, staying in the area after they separated. With past experience from his work in security, Segar founded the Kids Feel Safe program in Athens, partnering with local…


Collection: Athens Music Project Oral History Collection

Collection: UGA Student Veterans Oral History Project

This interview is not accessible online. Please visit the Richard B. Russell Library Reading Room for access.

Collection: UGA Student Veterans Oral History Project

This interview is not accessible online. Please visit the Richard B. Russell Library Reading Room for access.

Collection: Athens Music Project Oral History Collection

Earl Arnold, aka Big Earl, talks about his early life in Harlem, collaborating with rapper Big Al, living in the Bethel Homes apartments (known as B-Town) in Athens, Georgia, and releasing music with the group Big Earl and the Twin boys. He compares…


Collection: Richard B. Russell, Jr. Oral History Project


Collection: Athens Oral History Project

Earnest Elder was born and raised in Athens, Georgia. He is the founder and president of the Community and Youth Development Organization, an Athens-based organization that focuses on building capacity and creating programs for the youth. In this…


Collection: Athens Oral History Project

Earnest Thompson was born in 1935 in Charleston, South Carolina. He was raised through the Great Depression and gives a look into what childhood was like in that era. In this interview, Thompson details his life, his career, and his views, providing…


Collection: Athens Oral History Project


Collection: First Person Project

Ed Darsey, John Calvin Hadden, and Eddie Coleman grew up in Hawkinsville, Georgia, by the Ocmulgee River. In this interview, Darsey, Calvin, and Coleman discuss fishing, hunting, and boat-racing stories from on the Ocmulgee. This interview is part of…


Collection: Reflections on Georgia Politics Oral History Collection

Democratic Congressman Ed Jenkins discusses his 16 years of service, from attempts at preserving the textile industry in his district to serving on the Ethics committee during the Page scandal and Iran Contra affair. Jenkins discusses his fiscal,…


Collection: Reflections on Georgia Politics Oral History Collection

Ed Jenkins was elected to the U.S. Congress as a Democrat in 1976. While in Congress, he was active in the Ways and Means Committee, passing and supporting bills involving taxes, trade, and land and mountain preservation. In this interview he…

Collection: Reflections on Georgia Politics Oral History Collection

Edward H. Johnson went to work for Zell Miller’s campaign for lieutenant governor in 1974. Upon Miller’s election, Johnson was appointed as counsel to the Senate Judiciary Committee. In 1977, Johnson was elected as a Democrat to the Georgia State…


Collection: Mississippi Agriculture Oral History Collection

Eddie Carthan was born in 1949 and was raised by his grandparents on their family farm in Mississippi. He attended college and became a businessman and then a farmer. Carthan was the first Black Mayor of Tchula, Mississippi before becoming the County…


Collection: UGA Student Veterans Oral History Project

This interview is not accessible online. Please visit the Richard B. Russell Library Reading Room for access.

Collection: UGA Student Veterans Oral History Project

Edgar Miranda served in the United States Marine Corps from 2007 - 2015. In this interview, he discusses his MOS (military occupational specialty) and his deployments to Japan, and Afghanistan. He describes his transition from active duty to…


Collection: Richard B. Russell Library Oral History Documentary Collection

Doctors Edouard Servy, Benjamin Brackett, and Joe Massey discuss the history of and their experiences with In vitro fertilization (IVF).

Collection: Richard B. Russell, Jr. Oral History Project

Edward William Brooke was a U.S. Senator (R-Massachusetts). Topics include African American politicians; Anecdotes of Senator Russell.

Collection: Two-Party Georgia Oral History Project

Lindsey discusses his early life in Atlanta, witnessing the Civil Rights movement firsthand, and details his legal career. Lindsey outlines his involvement with political campaigns in the early 2000s prior to his successful run for the Georgia House…


Collection: Goin' Back: Remembering UGA Oral History Collection

Collection: Series II. S. Ernest Vandiver Interviews

Vanna Elizabeth "Beth" Vandiver interviewed by Hal Henderson. Vandiver is the daughter of Betty and Ernest Vandiver. She has worked in the Department of Family and Children Services in Atlanta and as a teacher in Franklin County, Ga. In her…

Collection: Reflections on Georgia Politics Oral History Collection

Elliot Levitas was elected as a Democrat to the Georgia House of Representatives in 1964 and later served as a U.S. Representative from Georgia's 4th congressional district. In this interview he talks about his long career in politics, including the…


Collection: Series I. Ellis G. Arnall

Ellis Arnall interviewed by Hal Henderson. Topics include Arnall’s opinions on the case against John E. Whitley (1939), his experiences when attorney general under Governor Ed Rivers (1939-1941), and Henderson’s drafts of his biography about Arnall.

Collection: Series I. Ellis G. Arnall

Ellis Arnall interviewed by Hal Henderson. Arnall discusses the election of 1948, including the support for M.E. Thompson and reasons why Herman Talmadge won. Arnall also talks about responses to the Talmadges’s and Roy V. Harris’s criticisms against…

Collection: Series I. Ellis G. Arnall

Ellis Arnall interviewed by Hal Henderson. Topics include Arnall's campaign platform during the 1942 gubernatorial election of 1942, the Georgia Constitution of 1945, the constitutional commission, ratification, and the poll tax.

Collection: Series I. Ellis G. Arnall

Ellis Arnall interviewed by Hal Henderson. Topics include prison reform in Georgia, the Robert Elliot Burns case, Arnall's views on taxes and the economy during his gubernatorial administration (1943-1947), differences between Arnall’s and Ed Rivers’…

Collection: Series I. Ellis G. Arnall

Ellis Arnall interviewed by Hal Henderson. Topics include Arnall’s thoughts on M.E. Thompson’s run for governor, Arnall's decision to run for governor in 1966, Arnall's national and state reputation, reasons for his loss of support in Georgia…

Collection: Series I. Ellis G. Arnall

Ellis Arnall interviewed by Hal Henderson. Topics include the 1945 Georgia constitution, influences on Arnall's career in politics, and his views on Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal. Arnall also discusses his gubernatorial administration…

Collection: Series I. Ellis G. Arnall

Ellis Arnall interviewed by Hal Henderson. Arnall discusses his family history, talks about his first political race for the Georgia House of Representatives in 1932, and Arnall's relationship with Eugene Talmadge. He talks about his tenure in…

Collection: Series I. Ellis G. Arnall

Ellis Arnall interviewed by Hal Henderson. Topics include M.E. Thompson, Jimmy Carmichael and the election of 1946, Arnall’s relationship with Thompson, the three governors controversy (1946-1947), Arnall's decision to run for governor in 1966; Roy…

Collection: Series I. Ellis G. Arnall

Ellis Arnall interviewed by Hal Henderson. Topics include the Dick Gallogy case and Ed Rivers (1939), Ed Rivers and the election of 1946, and the Arnall administration’s contributions to Georgia history.

Collection: Series I. Ellis G. Arnall

Ellis Arnall interviewed by Hal Henderson. Topics include the genesis of Henderson’s biography of Arnall and Arnall’s "destiny" to become governor. Arnall also discusses the 1942 gubernatorial election, including campaign strategies, the Cocking…

Collection: Series I. Ellis G. Arnall

Ellis Arnall interviewed by Hal Henderson. Topics include Arnall’s decision to run for governor in 1966, his views on the 1966 gubernatorial race, possible candidates in the 1966 gubernatorial race, his views on candidates in the 1966 Democratic…

Collection: Music Teachers' Stories Collection

Emily Calhoun has been a school music teacher for 38 years. She is currently the assistant orchestra director at Savannah Country  Day School and the Kindergarten through first-grade music specialist at St. Andrews School in Savannah, Georgia.This…

Collection: First Person Project


Collection: First Person Project

Emogene Williams talks with her daughter Avis about her early life and family, growing up during the Great Depression in Covington, Georgia. She talks about what life was like for African Americans in rural Georgia, describing her memories of the KKK…


Collection: Dean Rusk Oral History Collection

Emory "Coby" Swank interviewed by Richard Rusk over the telephone. Topics include the U.S. Department of State and foreign relations.Emory "Coby" Swank served as a consultant for the U.S. Department of State from 1946-1975.


Collection: Goin' Back: Remembering UGA Oral History Collection

Collection: Our Stories, Our Lives: Georgia Libraries for Accessible Statewide Services (GLASS) Oral History Project

Empish Thomas grew up sighted before losing her vision after college to uveitis, a condition that causes inflammation in the back of the eye near the retina. Thomas describes navigating the workforce while blind, discussing her careers in human…


Collection: UGA Student Veterans Oral History Project

This interview is not accessible online. Please visit the Richard B. Russell Library Reading Room for access.

Collection: Two-Party Georgia Oral History Project

Eric Johnson was born in New Orleans, and moved to Savannah, Georgia with his wife. He studied architecture and has worked as a principal architect at Hussey, Gay, Bell and Deyoung International, as well as at North Point Real Estate. Johnson became…


Collection: Reflections on Georgia Politics Oral History Collection


Collection: Senate Staff Oral History Project

Collection: UGA Student Veterans Oral History Project

This interview is not accessible online. Please visit the Richard B. Russell Library Reading Room for access.

Collection: Two-Party Georgia Oral History Project

Eric J. Tanenblatt was born in 1966 in Long Island, New York. He graduated from Emory University with a degree in economics. He immediately started as a campaign worker for George H.W. Bush and organized college campuses. There, he met and worked…


Collection: Reflections on Georgia Politics Oral History Collection

Eric J. Tanenblatt graduated from Emory University with a degree in economics. He immediately started as a campaign worker for George H.W. Bush, organizing college campuses. There, he met and worked with Senator Paul Coverdell. When Bush was elected…


Collection: Music Teachers' Stories Collection

Eric Williamson is a music teacher at PS32 in Brooklyn, New York. Williamson discusses his experience as a music teacher early in his career. He talks about his challenges and proud moments, and what keeps teachers in the profession and what factors…


Collection: Two-Party Georgia Oral History Project

Erick W. Erickson was born in Jackson, Louisiana, on June 3, 1975. He moved with his family to Dubai, United Arab Emirates, in 1980 after Conoco Oil (now ConocoPhillips) transferred his father to the country. He moved back to Louisiana in 1990.…

Collection: Richard B. Russell, Jr. Oral History Project


Collection: Music Teachers' Stories Collection

Erma Davis is a music teacher at Snellville Middle School in Snellville, Georgia. Davis discusses her early teaching experiences, the rewards and challenges of teaching, and how she overcame those challenges. She talks about her teaching approaches,…


Collection: Series II. S. Ernest Vandiver Interviews

Ernest Vandiver interviewed by Hal Henderson. Vandiver discusses his early life and education, including his high school activities, and his friends from high school, college, and law school. He also talks about members of his administration when he…

Collection: Series II. S. Ernest Vandiver Interviews

Ernest Vandiver interviewed by Hal Henderson. Topics include Vandiver's leisure activities while governor, his children and their families, his wife’s role in his political career, and his place in Georgia’s history. Vandiver also discusses his early…

Collection: Series II. S. Ernest Vandiver Interviews

Ernest Vandiver interviewed by Hal Henderson. Topics include the positive and negative aspects of being governor, the work schedule of a governor, Vandiver's relationship with press, the Committee of One Hundred (rapid transit in Atlanta), Vandiver's…

Collection: Series II. S. Ernest Vandiver Interviews

Ernest Vandiver interviewed by Hal Henderson. Topics include Vandiver's appointees, the county unit system, Vandiver's proposed run for governor in 1966, Bo Callaway and Lester Maddox’s 1966 fight for governor, mental health program reform (Central…

Collection: Series II. S. Ernest Vandiver Interviews

Ernest Vandiver interviewed by Hal Henderson. Topics include segregation issue, Carl Sanders' pseudo-run for Senate against Russell, Roy Harris, supporting the Kennedy-Johnson ticket, Martin Luther King, Jr., being put in jail and Vandiver’s…

Collection: Series II. S. Ernest Vandiver Interviews

Ernest Vandiver interviewed by Hal Henderson. Topics include Vandiver's involvement in Georgia’s legislature in the 1950s, Governor Marvin Griffin, the Rural Roads issue, Vandiver's run for governor of Georgia in 1957 (including his opponent William…

Collection: Series II. S. Ernest Vandiver Interviews

Ernest Vandiver interviewed by Hal Henderson.Topics include Vandiver's involvement in gubernatorial and Senate races, Herman Talmadge’s Senate run in 1980, Vandiver's role as aide to Herman Talmadge during 1948 (for 67 days), Roy Harris, Vandiver's…

Collection: Series II. S. Ernest Vandiver Interviews

Ernest Vandiver interviewed by Hal Henderson. Vandiver discusses his early life, including the influence of his parents on his life, his ancestry, his military service, his wife, and his involvement in the campaigns of 1936 and 1938.

Collection: Series II. S. Ernest Vandiver Interviews

Ernest Vandiver interviewed by Mel Steeley and Ted Fitzsimmons of West Georgia College. Topics include Senator Russell’s impact on Ernest Vandiver, Vandiver's life since being governor, religion, unfulfilled political aspirations, and Vandiver's…

Collection: Series II. S. Ernest Vandiver Interviews

Ernest Vandiver interviewed by Mel Steeley and Ted Fitzsimmons of West Georgia College. Topics include the Sibley Commission, a governor’s power in the 1960s, Vandiver's involvement with the completion of the Georgia Archives building, President John…

Collection: Series II. S. Ernest Vandiver Interviews

Ernest Vandiver interviewed by Mel Steeley and Ted Fitzsimmons of West Georgia College. Topics include Herman Talmadge, the salary and perks of being governor, Vandiver's management Talmadge’s 1948 campaign for governor, desegregation, selecting…

Collection: Series II. S. Ernest Vandiver Interviews

Ernest Vandiver interviewed by Mel Steeley and Ted Fitzsimmons of West Georgia College. Vandiver discusses his early life, including his rural upbringing, his family history, his childhood, his religious background and education, and the origins of…

Collection: Reflections on Georgia Politics Oral History Collection

Erwin Mitchell practiced law in Dalton, Georgia, before serving as a solicitor general for the Cherokee Judicial Circuit and subsequently as a Superior Court judge on the same circuit. In 1958 Mitchell was elected as a Democrat to the 85th Congress,…


Collection: Athens Oral History Project

Ethel Johnson was born in Athens in 1940, where she grew up and attended West Broad, Reese Street, and Athens Industrial and High School. In this interview, Johnson relates her experiences from grade school to graduate school. She talks about her…


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